
Adult education in museums, art galleries and libraries - special issue of International Journal of Lifelong Education

Professor Darlene Clover will be editing a special edition of the International Journal of Lifelong Education to be published in Autumn 2017, entitled, Adult education in museums, art galleries and libraries.

Appropriate papers presented at the PASCAL conference in Catania will be considered in fully developed form for this special issue.

Special Issue of International Journal of Knowledge-based Development from proceedings of PASCAL conference

The International Journal of Knowledge-based Development will one of the journals that will consider submissions of fully developed articles based on submissions made to the 12th PASCAL conference in Catania for a special issue.

Guidelines for full papers for 12th PASCAL Conference in Catania - Deadline 7 August

In case those who have submitted abstracts have not seen these, you will find guidelines for full papers for 12th PASCAL Conference in Catania are available at this link.

Random Reflections by Dr. Rajesh Tandon – July 2015

I am returning to random reflections once again, for your perusal below:

Big Tent – Draft 6th communique to discuss, finalise and release at the PASCAL Catania Conference in October.

PASCAL is a founder and lead player in the Big Tent initiative started in 2010. Here is a draft towards a communique for our Catania Conference in October. Please try to read and work and comment so we can get the best and strongest possible outcome – one that will be heeded and help to make a difference. We want something that will not be easily ignored. The Pope's new and unequivocal Encyclical sets the bar pretty high!

Celebrating the life and work of Sir David Watson -Green Templeton College, Oxford 3 June 2015

As PASCAL Website users and many members of PASCAL anyway well know, David was an outstanding person and a leading global-local advocate of university engagement and of useful and relevant education for the community and for society generally.

Domestic Dissent and Foreign Hand: Unending Saga of Citizen-State Relations in India

Having left the teaching career at IIM Calcutta and ventured into the field of social development through a voluntary organisation some years ago, I was surprised to learn that an article had appeared in The Marxist (June 1984) which argued that ‘action groups and voluntary organisations  in India were a part of western imperialist strategy’. Written by a party activist Prakash Karat, it described such efforts, based on foreign funding, to be undermining the ‘leadership of the party and misguiding the revolution in the country’.

PASCAL, social media, and making more sense of what is out there

PASCAL's reach in social media continues to grow.  On Twitter (@obspascal) we are now well passed the 8000 posts, and we have over 1800 followers, a number that continues to grow steadily.  PASCAL has been listed 128 times at the time of writing. Our tweets feed through to the PASCAL Facebook page where we are also attracting an increasing number of fans.

Random Reflections: A Requiem for Martha - Not-so-random Reflections

Dr Martha Farrell, Director PRIA, was killed in a terrorist attack in Kabul on May 13, 2015; she was conducting a training programme on gender mainstreaming for Afghan practitioners.

Thank you - In Loving Memory of Martha Farrell

We are deeply appreciative of and sincerely thankful to all for your warm, sensitive and caring messages and thoughts following the sudden and shocking death of our dear Martha on May 13, 2015 in Kabul.

13th PASCAL International Observatory Conference - Glasgow

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