The new Xploit website - invitation to contribute to final outcomes website

We are approaching the final scenarios of Xploit. Of course the Xploit mission will be continued in various directions in the 2014-20 period. This means two things: the final Xploit outcomes and the Xploit event in Catalonia in April.

The final Xploit outcomes will be organized as a brand new website: The coordinator is working on this website at the moment; the first version will be ready for the event in April and the final version for the project's Final Report.

In the illustration featured below and attached - Xploit NEW WEB structure - you can see that this new website will be organized according to 5 themes - or 5 approaches to talk about exploitation and learning communities.

If you have interesting contributions to any of those 5 approaches, please send them to me, Jan Gegel no later than the 15th of March.

Details of the Xploit event in Catalonia may be found here.

Xploit_NEW_WEB_structure.pdf19.68 KB

13th PASCAL International Observatory Conference - Glasgow

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