Chris Shepherd's blog

Two awards for Catherine Odora Hoppers, PASCAL Co-director, Africa

Professor Catherine A. Odora Hoppers, PASCAL Co-director, Africa, who is the incumbent of the South African Research Initiative (SARChI) Chair in Development Education set up by the Department of Science and Technology/National Research Foundation, and hosted at the University of South Africa to advance the frontiers of knowledge and to stimulate strategic research across the knowledge spectrum was given two awards in August 2015. 

PASCAL visits the Belgium Campus ITversity in Pretoria

Enrico Jacobs, Belgian Campus UniversityPASCAL Co-directors, Paul Crawford and Mike Osborne together with PASCAL Deputy Chair, Chris Shepherd were delighted to be guests of the Vice-Chancellor of the Belgium Campus ITversity, Enrico Jacobs (pictured right), during the course of their visit to Pretoria.

This university which is closely linked with a number of our colleagues from the Flanders, who are involved with us in the PURE and PUMR, projects provides a very interesting model of learning in the field of niche area of Information Technology in a wonderful campus location.

We look forward to further collaboration with Enrico and colleagues.

PASCAL Co-directors visit the Centre for Education Policy and Development in Jo'Burg

During the course of a visit to the PASCAL Centre in Pretoria, PASCAL Co-directors Catherine Odora Hoppers, Paul Crawford and Mike Osborne and PASCAL Vice-Chair, Chris Shepherd have also had the pleasure of visiting the Centre for Education Policy and Development and have discussed possible collaborative work with its director  Madumetja Paul Kgobe and a number of his colleagues.

PASCAL Co-Directors visit the Seriti Institute in Jo'burg

During the course of a visit to the PASCAL Centre in Pretoria, PASCAL Co-directors Catherine Odora Hoppers, Paul Crawford and Mike Osborne and PASCAL Vice-Chair, Chris Shepherd had the pleasure of visiting the Seriti Institute and hearing of its work from one of its founders Gavin Andersson. The projects that the Institute is engaged in provide opportunities of thousands of South Africans to experience work, some for the very first time, and we commend the work. 

13th PASCAL International Observatory Conference - Glasgow

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