Action Plan - Puglia

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Observatory PASCAL
Place Management, Social Capital and Learning Regions PURE ACTION PLAN PUGLIA, ITALY 1. October 2009
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Press conference to inform about Pascal and Pure project and the main objectives of Regione Puglia as a Learning Region. Preparation of a logo to use in any event.
June 2009 – October 2009 Stakeholder Network Activity. “Officina delle Idee del partenariato” (Partners’ Lab) finalised to qualify the contribution of stakeholders to the development of our region:       21 July 2009 Workshop “Il partenariato economico sociale nella pianificazione strategica di area vasta”. November 2009 2° workshop intended for social economic partnership. October ‘09 – October ‘10 Interactive Lab – A blended training path to connect stakeholders and prepare them to contribute to economic and social development. Participation schools on a provincial level. Participated Land planning.
November 2009 – May 2010
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Benchmarking with universities by the benchmarking tools but using participation methods to involve groups. Recognition and testing of learning processes by participation within secondary schools.
February 2010

“NMC” ni-mondlocaj civitanoi (We, global/local citizens) International meeting of young people devoted to sustainable development to elaborate a common agenda of commitments.
September – November 2009
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Preparation of the “Active Principles Festival”. Active Principles Festival: an occasion of promoting and showing the future economy of our region through the 500 projects carried out thanks to the youth public policy.
September 2009 – November 2010     Work on Clusters: Green economy and jobs. Social inclusion and active citizenship. Sustaining rural and remote community.
Action Plan – Puglia 
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13th PASCAL International Observatory Conference - Glasgow

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