Budd Hall's blog

Photos from India Launch of UNESCO Chair in Community Based Research and Social Responsibility in HE

Dear Friends,

Just back from the India launch of the UNESCO Chair in CBR at Jamia Millia Islamia on December 10, 2012.  You can see photos from the launch at our newly launched web-site.  Our first blog posting on Knowledge for Peace can be found there as well.


Rajesh Tandon and Budd Hall


UNESCO Chair in Community Based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher Education

PRIA and University of Victoria

UNESCO Chair-GACER News December 3, 2012

Hello Friends,

Budd is heading to India to join Rajesh for the India Launch of the UNESCO Chair.  It will take place December 10th at the Jamia Millia Islamia, an impressive university in South Delhi founded by the muslim community.

We hope that you are all well and seeing your projects moving forward. Please see the video clip competition for student at the end of the newsletter!

Budd Hall and Rajesh Tandon


UNESCO Chair in Community-Based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher Education

UNESCO Chair-GACER News October 31, 2012


Our news today is coming from Brest, from the meeting of the PASCAL International Observatory where Rajesh and Budd have both been invited to offer keynote remarks.  This is the first time that we have appeared at the same event since the UNESCO Chair has been established.  We are very grateful to the University of Western Brittany and Dr. Jean-Marie Filloque for inviting us and to PASCAL for making us feel welcome amongst them.

Budd and Rajesh
UNESCO Chair in Community Based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher Education

New Blog on Community Engagement and University Rankings

Dear Friends,

At the last meeting of GACER in Bonn in May of 2012, Prof Hans Schuetze, one of the best known Higher Education scholars working in the field of comparative studies agreed to lead a discussion about engagement and the rankings game. To this end he has launched a blog space to begin to develop some thoughts about community university engagement in the context of what are popularly known as the "league tables".  Many people working in engaged scholarship feel that the rankings tables are a distraction from more important ways of understanding universities and society.

People's Sustainability Treaty on Higher Education

As you will remember, the "Big Tent" group of regional and international networks in community university engagement developed a communique during the Living Knowledge Conference in Bonn, Germany on May 14, 2012.  This document was sent to the Rio conference courtesy of Daniella Tilbury and the Copernicus Alliance.

13th PASCAL International Observatory Conference - Glasgow

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