A Program Masterpiece as 1st Conference for PASCAL in Africa... not to be missed

The preliminary Conference Agenda is now available on the website for viewing and download. Early-bird registration still available!

The PASCAL CENTRE FOR AFRICA in partnership with the BELGIUM CAMPUS and CENLED (Under the Auspices of the University of Johannesburg) presents the 14th PASCAL International Conference on 17, 18 & 19 October 2017 at the Villa Africa Hotel Pretoria, South Africa. The theme of the conference is “Trends2017 – Between Cities and the Rural: The Role of Universities in Developing our Societies”. 

This showcase prestigious conference will provide a platform for all our public and private sector participants to rethink and reinvent the way that the international community shapes and forms the fields of education, government, job creation, products and services that use new “trends” in the global and local economy, social environment, demographic spheres and the never ending fields of new technologies. 

The Conference will focus on 3 streams, namely:

  1. The role of the nation state versus the global economic power, in Africa and in the world 
  2. Cities could be like new countries, with "glocal" power?  
  3. Rethinking the role of the Universities

During the conference we will also have 4-panel discussions, namely:

  1. The need for greater collaboration between Universities, Governments, and Business – 17 October 2017 
  2. The need for building Knowledge Societies to Positively impact on Regions – 17 October 2017
  3. The decline of Rural Cities, the need to reverse the brain drain and create new sustainable development – 18 October 2017 
  4. Shifting Economies and the need for New Skills – 19 October 2017

Some of the prominent speakers during the conference are: Mr Peter Kearns, Director of Global Learning Services, founder and co-director of the PASCAL International Exchanges (PIE); Professor Michael Osborne, School of Education, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom; Dr Rob Mark, University of Glasgow, Scotland; Prof Julia Preece, Durban University of Technology, South Africa; Professor Shirley Walters, University of Western Cape, South Africa and deputy president for PIMA; Dr Séamus Ó Tuama, University College Cork, United Kingdom; Pr. Dr. Erika Thomas, France; Prof Paolo Di Rienzo, Department of Education, Tre University, Rome, Italy; Carolyn Broadbent, Faculty of Education and Art, Australia; Maria Liu Wong, Dean, City Seminary of New York, USA and Prof Robert E. Gleeson, Associate Dean, Cleveland State University, USA

Download or view the program now and see the benefits of attending!

For more information on bookings or registrations, please do not hesitate to contact me directly.

Andre Snyman 
Project Coordinator
TRENDS2017 Conference for and on behalf of the University of Johannesburg, CENLED, Belgium Campus ITVersity  and PASCAL

14th PASCAL International Conference –  Villa Africa Boutique Hotel, Pretoria, South Africa
General inquiries: [email protected] 
Website: http://conference2017.pascalobservatory.org

@obspascal   |  #pascal2017  |  @cenled

Hosted and Organised by: 


13th PASCAL International Observatory Conference - Glasgow

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