European Climate Diplomacy Week Events

The landmark Paris Agreement signed last year provides a critical turning point to engage the global community to address climate change and embrace the opportunity for a net zero emissions future.

European Climate Diplomacy Week is September 12-16, a time when EU Delegations around the world reach out to communities and partner organisations, highlighting positive global action and collaboration on climate change.

On Monday 12 September you are invited to join us at two events being held in Melbourne as part of this action.

  1. Climate and Innovation:  Green growth and green trade - what green exports should we focus on in Australia?
    Sustainable economic growth requires countries to shift their production to "green products" that will drastically reduce environmental damage.

    Drawing from his research on green exports, jobs, skills and patents, Dr Alex Teytelboym (Oxford) will discuss how Australia can empower its energy industry to create and launch innovative green technologies for export to foreign markets.

    Time: 1:00pm - 2:00pm
    Venue: University of Melbourne, Carlton Connect Initiative Seminar Room.

    See here for registration details and map 

  2. Australian Film Premier: Demain ("Tomorrow")

    Climate is changing. Instead of showing all the worst that can happen the French documentary Demain (Tomorrow) focuses on the people suggesting solutions and actions.

    The film features accomplishments and stories ranging from Copenhagen to Detroit to a small village in India, highlighting local solutions on matters of food security, renewable energy and education.

    Time: 6:00pm - 9:30pm
    Venue: ACMI, Federation Square, Melbourne CBD

    See here for registration details and map.

Refer to the flyers featured and attached below for further information on both events.

FREE EVENTS                  ALL WELCOME


These events are hosted by the European Union Delegation to Australia, the University of Melbourne European Union Centre on Shared Complex Challenges, the EU Centre at RMIT University with the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, the British High Commission, University of Melbourne Climate and Energy College, AkuoEnergy and Climarte.

European Union Centre at RMIT


The European Union Centre at RMIT University is funded through a grant from the European Union and RMIT University


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climate_diplomacy_day_2016_film.pdf1.6 MB

13th PASCAL International Observatory Conference - Glasgow

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