EU in the Shadow of Asia? Changing Relationships between the EU and the Asia Pacific - Call for papers

The discussion on the emerging powers of Asia is well established. However, there have been few Asia Pacific platforms where academics can present their research into how the concept of the coming century being one which pivots around Asia impacts on Asia Pacific – EU relations. A growing emphasis on Asia as an economic and political powerhouse also has implications for how the EU deals with other regions and how other regions in turn align or realign their foreign policies.

Annual EUSA AP Conference: May 1-2, 2014, Melbourne, Australia

EU in the Shadow of Asia? Changing Relationships between the EU and the Asia Pacific

For more information on the conference please go to and see the details below.  


Deadline for online-paper submissions: 31 January 2014
Successful applicants will be informed by mid-February 2014
Acceptance of the invitation to present: 10 working days after notification of acceptance via payment of registration fees (PayPal).

We would be very happy to welcome you at the 2014 EUSA AP Annual Conference.

Best wishes,


Yvonne Grosch
EUCN Assistant Project Manager & NCRE Administrator
University of Canterbury
National Centre for Research on Europe
Kirkwood Village KD04, Private Bag 4800, Christchurch 8140, New Zealand
ph: +64 3 3642348 extension 6348
fax: +64 3 364 2634

[email protected]

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