Call for papers - EUCN New Zealand Conference 2012

Announcing a call for papers for the Annual New Zealand EU Centres Network Conference to be held at Massey University, Palmerston North, 13th–14th December, 2012.

The 1st January 2013 will mark both the 40th anniversary of the 1st European enlargement and the 20th anniversary of the Single European Market. Europe itself has changed dramatically in this time. These changes have also impacted on how the rest of the world interacts with Europe and the relationships Europe has beyond its borders. This multi-disciplinary conference will use a number of key themes to investigate this phenomenon:

  • International Relations – The CSDP is now a decade old and the EEAS has been in operation for three years. On the other side, New Zealand has announced cuts to its diplomatic services in Europe. What are the issues shaping relations between Europe and the Asia Pacific region?
  • Trade, Science and Agriculture – Agriculture and Trade are vital to the challenge of feeding a growing world population in a sustainable manner. How do European policies influence this process? How do these policy areas impact on European relations with other regions in the world?
  • Europe an Challenges – Internal and Beyond its Boarders – How  far can austerity and growth successfully address issues within the European economy? How do the challenges faced within Europe extend beyond its own borders? What are the challenges for the EU’s relationships with its neighbours?

  • The World Looking Back – How does the outside view Europe and the European Union? What social and cultural issues does that European Union face that help shape it?

We are calling for abstracts from potential presenters.

Abstracts of 300 words should be submitted online by the 15th July 2012.

More information:

EUCN Conference 2012 Call for Papers.pdf388.5 KB

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