RMIT Free event: Current Affairs and Challenges of the EU with Dr Lykke Friss

Apr 5 2019 10:30
RMIT Court Room 3, Building 20, Level 2
124 La Trobe Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
Australia  Australia

You are invited to the following free events hosted by the European Union Centre at RMIT. On Friday 5 April 2019, 10:30am Dr Lykke Friss will speak on Current Affairs and Challenges of the EU.

Speaker: Dr Lykke Friss, Berlin-based correspondent for the Danish newspaper Berlingske Tidende, fmr Danish Minister for Climate and Energy and Equality (2009-11), Minister for Equal Rights (2010-11), fmr Pro-Rector (equivalent to Vice-Chancellor) of the University of Copenhagen

The European Union Centre at RMIT, in cooperation with the Embassy of Denmark, invite you to this round table on the current affairs and challenges of the EU with guest speaker Dr Lykke Friss.

Lykke Friis is a Berlin-based correspondent for the Danish newspaper Berlingske Tidende where she covers internal developments in Germany and comments on EU affairs.  She has also published books on Germany.

Dr Friis has extensive experience in politics and academia. In politics, she was Minister for Climate, Energy and Equality, Political Spokesperson on EU-affairs and Member of Parliament for the Danish Liberal Party. In academia, she held a senior position as Pro-Rector (equivalent to Vice-Chancellor) of the University of Copenhagen only paused by her political career.

Dr Friis has expertise on European and international affairs as Chair of the board of the Danish Foreign Policy Society and having experience with EU policy, both from her parliamentary career and her role as Head of European Policy at the Confederation of Danish Industries.

Key areas of interest to Dr Friis during her visit to Australia include: cooperation between Europe and Australia (including in support of the rules-based international order), Australian foreign policy (including the US alliance and developments in the Indo-Pacific), immigration and integration policy, attracting international students, gender equality, and renewable energy.  Her insights into European politics and foreign policy will be particularly valuable for Australian interlocutors.

When: Friday, 5 April, 10:30am – 11:30am

Where: RMIT Court Room 3, Building 20, Level 2, 124 La Trobe Street, Melbourne (enter via RMIT Building 1)

Cost: Free event

Morning tea will be served.

RSVP here

Friendly Reminder:   

Tuesday 2 April 2019, 4:30pm

Brexit, Symbol of Crisis

Speaker: Professor Bruce Wilson, Director EU Centre at RMIT

The Contemporary European Studies Association of Australia (CESAA) and the European Union Centre at RMIT are pleased to invite you to this pubic seminar. Not surprisingly, the fragility of trade relations is at the heart of the Brexit crisis: the ‘backstop’ is precisely about the protection of just one dimension of this. However, the struggle over the United Kingdom’s referendum on leaving the European Union is symptomatic of much deeper crises in the UK, and in the EU.

This seminar will focus on the ways in which the Brexit episode derives from and reveals these crises. Will the UK leave the EU? This very uncertainty demonstrates the depth of crisis, but also carries within the seeds for some optimism about how these crises might be resolved.

When: Tuesday, 2 April, 4:30pm – 5:30pm

Where: RMIT Court Room 3, Building 20, Level 2, 124 La Trobe Street, Melbourne (enter via RMIT Building 1)

Cost: Free event

Light refreshments will be served.

RSVP here

Accessibility Information

An accessibility/mobility access map is available to download here (please scroll to the end of the webpage).

RMIT’s Building 1 can be accessed via the adjacent Building 21. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like further information.

European Union Centre
Social and Global Studies Centre
RMIT University
Building 101, Level 2, 171 La Trobe St, Melbourne
Email     [email protected]

Let's connect on twitter: @RMIT_EU_CENTRE where we have 8.2K followers and growing :)

The European Union Centre at RMIT University is funded through grants from the EU Jean Monnet Programme and RMIT University.

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