Rajesh Tandon's blog

Random Reflections - October 1, 2013

There is unusual heavy rain in many parts of the world in the past month; evidence for changing climate patterns?

Random Reflections August, 2013

Here is another set of random reflections for your perusal:

Random Reflections July, 2013

Here is another set of random reflections for your perusal:

Random Reflections June, 2013

A fortnight at 45+ degree Celsius can drain one’s ability to be creative; hence, another random reflection for your perusal:

Random Reflections May, 2013

May Day rallies have gained fresh energy in Europe this year; signs of times to come? Here are my reflections from the month gone by:

Random Reflection April 2013

Like all years, today is April Fool’s Day; but my reflections are no less random:

13th PASCAL International Observatory Conference - Glasgow

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